Searching for Contentment...

Contentment is the word and feeling I am pondering today. It came to me in a dream a few nights ago, and I can not stop thinking about it. There are many ways to define contentment and how to be content with our lives. I have logged several quotes over the years in my journal. Some of them include the word happiness, faith, joy, hope, and love, but each reminds us we should believe that God is working in our lives, and we should believe in ourselves. Why? Because through Him, we are braver than we think, more talented than we know, and more capable than we imagine.

Contentment comes in many different forms for each of us. For me, I am most content when I am around and with my family. Recently, our son and his family visited for the day, and everyone gathered in different areas of our home, porch, kitchen, yard, etc. However, our grandson and I were sitting comfortably together on the couch, him leaned back under my arm watching cartoons, and the world was at peace. What made it even better? Our granddaughter climbed onto my lap and joined us. There was very little conversation; it was mostly their laughter filling the conversation gap as we watched the silliness on the screen. They were safe from harm; they were free to be themselves, comfortable in my arms, and they were happy and laughing and me; well, I was in a state of bliss. In other words, I was content at that moment with everything in my world.

Philippians 4:11-13 begins and ends with two sentences I have printed on a label, taped and attached to a spot I see every day to help me remember who oversees my life. The verses read, “Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him that strengthens me.” I have read these sentences more days than I can remember to which, I am always reminded, He has got this. He is in control. All I need to do is allow Him to remain in control, not try to do it by myself, and to live a life filled with faith, hope, joy, unconditional love, and contentment.

Maya Angelou wrote, “We need much less than we think we need.” So true, when we look to fill a void in our lives with possessions or money, we only end up wanting more. All those things we fill our lives with are not necessarily bad, but when they become the end goals and reason for our being, we become discontented because those things were never meant to fulfill us.

The only place we can really find fulfillment and true contentment is in Christ. In other words, true contentment is not something we find in things, people, or circumstances. It is only to be discovered in our commitment. Rob Kubin said it best, “We have to choose to rest on God’s good promises despite what may be going on in our lives.” And currently, we have a lot going on in our lives. We are worried about the pandemic and its effect on our lives, our families, our communities, and our organizations. As leaders, we must hold fast to our convictions and values to light the paths for others to follow. As leaders, we must remember to light a candle in the darkest moments of someone’s life. Be the light that helps others see; it is what gives life its deepest significance.

I encourage us as leaders to use our light to make a difference and add value to others. Be significant in their lives. I found a poem written by Roy Bennett that I saved and will conclude with today. It is titled Don’t Just…

Don’t just learn, experience. Don’t just read, absorb. Don’t just change, transform. Don’t just relate, advocate. Don’t just criticize, encourage. Don’t just think, ponder. Don’t just take, give. Don’t just see, feel. Don’t just dream, do. Don’t just hear, listen. Don’t just talk, act. Don’t just tell, show. Don’t just exist, LIVE! Philippians 4:13

Have a wonderful day,

James Dodwell