The Answer (Part Three of Three)

We need God to relationally, “raise us from the dead.” He must restore us to His family (redeem us). We are powerless to make this happen. So, He does it! This is His story, the gospel; the story of God (YHWH) wrapping Himself in flesh and coming to save rebellious human beings. He rescues us from the mud house by covenant means with His own death and resurrection. The violated covenant is replaced with a new covenant and the power to keep it. In Christ, we are relocated in a new home/creation by grace through faith. This new, true life is found in Jesus’ action and teachings. Think of it. He, Himself, first established this new creation/home in an event on earth and has a new body of existence to prove it. Christian existence is not found in a prescribed life of following codes of conduct, but rather in a story based in historic fact with theological implications which endure for all people. Jesus enjoins us to access the power of His real bodily resurrection through faith and worship of Him as Son of God, Messiah, who takes away sin. Now, we are free to live “the good life” in God’s will. Now, we may live in the right love relationship with God who made us for Himself. This new life is determinative of morals and the basis of true holiness before God. It is a gift of grace once and it is grace daily. Why is the Gospel good news? Jesus does for us what we cannot do for ourselves.

I hope you embrace this good news today by the gift of faith and worship and rejoice every time you witness a baptism or receive communion. May you have the beautiful, pleasing, and righteous life which springs from humility, repentance, and an active trust relationship in Christ alone.


See Romans 1-12