Alexander City First United Methodist Church is a historic church, started in 1872, with a bright and promising future. Our church has withstood wars, fires, and great growth since the beginning days in a bush Arbor. Through the years, the church location has changed several times, located today at 3266 Hwy 280 in Alexander City. Regardless of the location, the mission remains the same, to share Christ wherever we go.
Each Sunday morning at 9:00am, the Blended Worship meets the needs of those enjoying traditional worship and contemporary worship.
We hope you will join and engage with the mission and ministry of God through Alex City First United Methodist Church.
For more information about The United Methodist Church please visit www.umc.org
Chip Vann, Pastor, chipvann04@gmail.com
Tammy Wendling, Director of Discipleship & Communication, twendling@alexcityfumc.org
Bobby Boone, Worship Director, bobbyboone88@gmail.com
Jack Stearns, Worship Leader, jackstearns@gmail.com
Lynn Moran, Membership Secretary, lmoran@alexcityfumc.org
Connie Forehand, Financial Office, cforehand@alexcityfumc.org
Mary Harrison, Financial Office, mharrison@alexcityfumc.org
David Sturdivant, Chairman Administrative Board
Lee Williams, Chairman Finance Committee
Chad Calhoun, Chairman Staff Parish Relations Committee
Scott Meacham, Chairman Trustees