Who Is It?

Her name was Ginger, and I loved her deeply. I know I was young and probably didn’t understand, but it was more than “puppy love.” I knew it, and she did too. I’d find a way to get away with her and share my hopes and dreams, my doubts and fears, and she was among one of the best listeners I’ve ever known. We would walk in the woods and sit by the creek almost every day. Any time I was down, she lifted my spirits. When I would cry, she licked my tears. When I needed a confidant, she was all ears. She loved me and was always there when I needed her. We all need someone with whom we can discuss the deeper things of life. Who is that someone with whom you can really be vulnerable and honest. THINK ABOUT IT!

Ginger has been gone for a long time and, today, her name is Patsy-Coe, a blessing from God to me. By the way, she doesn’t get tired when I tell Ginger stories; she loves Cocker Spaniels too.
