You Can't "Out-Logic" God

I heard a talk this past weekend at our Confirmation Retreat, “Committing to God.” I’ve listened to this particular talk several times and always come away with a new perspective on what it means to be committed to God. This year the word commitment linked itself, in my brain, to the words trust and obey. Using the scripture referenced in the talk, Luke 8:19-25, Peter was asked to not only commit to follow Jesus but to trust both immediately and for the long haul.

Think about it; Peter was a professional fisherman. He knew all the intricacies of the fishing area. He knew where to cast those big nets, when to throw them, and what fish he’d likely catch. Peter understood how the weather could affect his haul. Peter also knew when to pull in the nets and go home. Surely, he had moments of questioning and doubting Jesus’ suggestion to throw the nets back out after a long night of no fish. But... Peter decided to trust and followed what he’d been told to do and was blessed with the results.

Sometimes in this life, perhaps often, Jesus asks us to do things we simply don’t understand and seem unreasonable. It might involve leaving a job or ministry, taking on responsibility, or maybe you’ve heard the call to serve in some capacity you don’t feel worthy. And yet, because we’ve committed to Him, because of the One who asks, tells us to….we know in our heart of hearts, it’s the right thing to do. Few of us have faced the level of commitment and trust that Abraham did when God asked him to sacrifice his son. Seriously, Abraham was at the altar with Isaac, ready to do as God asked! What about old Noah? Who among us has listened and obeyed the call of God to build something so outlandish as a boat the length of 1.5 football fields? Oh, and Joshua looking in the eyes of his brave soldiers, telling them rather than fight, we’re going to march around Jericho seven times and then yell really loudly and the walls will fall? Ultimately, they all obeyed, and God’s blessing was revealed.

So often, we rely on our human understanding and logic to face our days instead of the Lord’s magnificent, all-knowing, and powerful plan for our lives. As we acknowledge our commitment to God, I hope we continually seek to hear and discern His voice over our own. Ultimately, I pray we trust, obey, and commit to following where He sends and leads us.

