Proposed Protocol of Reconciliation & Grace Through Separation

Loved ones, I try to stay focused on Kingdom ministry at our church. However, several of you have been asking me about the state of the United Methodist Church. So, have we split? No.

What is the “Proposed Protocol of Reconciliation & Grace Through Separation?” Ok, first, that is a long name. The Protocol is an agreed upon resolution to be proposed at the General Conference of the United Methodist Church in May; it was developed by a wide range of delegates. If passed, it would create two denominations from one (details in the document). Many of you have heard about this in the news or online; I have provided a link to the Protocol below.

Is the Protocol good? In my humble opinion, as a traditional pastor (marriage is only between a man and woman, for instance), it is sad, but also hopeful. We have irreconcilable differences concerning doctrine and discipline rooted in how we interpret and even regard Scripture. It manifests itself around ethics, like the practice of homosexuality, but it is much deeper. So basic is this to our covenant (ordination) as clergy, we cannot function or minister well; in fact, we fight. When this conflict is seen in public, it is a bad witness. If the Protocol passes, and we separate, it may allow each party to function more peacefully. We may even find some ways to serve together. I am hopeful.

What might this Protocol mean? If the Protocol passes, the progressive/liberal expression would remain under United Methodist and retain its structures. The United Methodist expression will move to remove restrictions on marrying and ordaining LGBTQ persons and other matters. The traditional pastors (like myself), conferences, and churches would be in a new traditional expression of Methodism under the Protocol. Although I am not involved, deep discussions and drafts of an infrastructure have taken place with leaders around the world.

I will have a better sense of the Protocol’s support by April and may have more information regarding the new traditional expression at that time. I will plan to meet with our Board and the entire congregation in April to discuss likely contingencies. I hope this synopsis helps.


Link to Protocol: