Simple, Yet Powerful

"We love because he first loved us." 1 John 4:19

What a simple verse with powerful implications! Jesus calls us to love everyone, even our enemies! Now that's a hard pill to swallow! If we don't love, then every other aspect of our Christian lives is done in vain. Oh sure, sometimes people may get on our nerves, say hurtful things to us, gossip about us behind our back. Does that mean we should do the same back to them? The answer to that is, NO! That can be hard to do too, but as followers of Christ, we should love that person or those persons. We should pray for them, be kind to them. Look what Jesus did for us! He loved us so much, even though we don't deserve it, he gave the ultimate sacrifice, his very own life, taken on a cross! Isn't it the least we could do is to love others as he loved us! Thanks and God Bless.

Correll Pritchard