Persevering Persistence

I think I once heard someone say, “In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins---- not through strength, but persistence.” It is hard to imagine how an object that appears so much more durable can be destroyed by that which seems to be not as strong. However, I will illustrate the truth of this with a geological fact; Niagara Falls was an estimated seven miles downstream of its current location twelve years ago. Over the years, the persistence of the water running over the rock in the riverbed slowly eroded the falls upstream.

As we’ve experienced the restrictions of Covid-19 during the past couple of months and, now, seek to recover in the aftermath of the storm, we are all feeling the stress and anxiety of the “unknowns” of the future: How long will this go on? What will happen to the economy? When will things get back to normal? What will the “New Normal” be? These are all legitimate questions for which there are no easy answers. I do not have any magic answers just a few rambling thoughts:

  1. Coach Hamp Lyons once told me, “Stickability is necessary. When the going gets tough, stick to it and do not quit. Stickability will make winners through some storms when losers quit. You’ve got to have stickability.”

  2. Take time with family and neighbors and really get to know them (6 feet away of course). The true value of “community” is simple and yet profound to those who discover it,…. no matter how tough, no matter how long the journey, we are not alone. There is no exercise any better for the human heart than reaching out in love to others.

  3. Pray: Talk with God openly and honestly. Lay all your concerns bare before God. Do not be afraid to vent your frustrations and ask for help. God hears from the weak and strong, the meek and  humble and is Lord of all. The fundamental reason we pray is to seek “at-one-ment” with God who created us and knows exactly what he created us to become.

The deeper the darkness the brighter the light. Let’s get about the business of shining

Blessings, Mike.