A Follower's Thoughts - Going Against the Grain

Romans 12:2 says, "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds so that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." As a Christian, trying to not conform to this world can be a tough challenge. The allure of worldly possessions, money, bigger houses, better vehicles, that new pair of shoes, or jeans is following along with the crowd. Could it be, we follow the world because we want to be accepted, be liked, be successful, have more than our neighbors? It could be, as Christians, we should be going against the grain of worldly thinking? We really should. We should stand out in the crowd. After all, we are disciples of Christ Jesus. We must renew our minds to the will of God. Look at it this way, picture the world as a wooden board. Have you ever rubbed your hand down a wooden board? Often, when you rub your hand down the board in one direction, it feels really smooth, but when you rub your hand in the opposite direction, it feels really rough. That's due to the grain in the wood, with the grain, it's smooth; against the grain, it's rough. It's often so rough that sometimes you may get a splinter in your hand. Believe me, a splinter in your hand is no fun! Basically, when you conform to this world, you are following the grain or the ways of the world. This is easy and smooth—the path of least resistance. Now, on the other hand, when you don't follow the world and its enticements, you go against the grain. That can and will be rough and, at times, painful. Jesus said, if you follow me, you will be persecuted. But you know what, as far as I see it, it's a path worth taking, because at the end of that board is Jesus holding out His nail-pierced hands to take our hands and remove every splinter that the world has given us. God Bless.

Correll Pritchard