What's All This Stuff?

Our son and his family were preparing for a week's trip to the lake. They had packed the necessary items in the vehicle, and then they loaded the children into their car seats. Our grandson asked, "Dad, are we moving again?" "No, son, why do you ask?" Our grandson loudly exclaimed, "Then why is all this stuff in the car?" After our son stopped laughing, he explained to him with five children, it takes a lot of stuff to meet the needs of their family when one must plan for a week away. Too funny… children do not miss anything.

It is difficult to imagine the amount of "stuff" it takes to equip a family of five children and two adults, especially when three of the children are still in diapers and are bottle-fed. There are snacks of all kinds, fruit of all kinds, soy milk, almond milk, cereal, wipes, towels, several changes of clothes for each child, three sizes of diapers, bottles, formula, and so on and so forth. This list does not include all the favorite toys and games, life jackets, and strollers; the list is just endless, and then something important always gets left behind. Just saying…

As I ponder our grandson questioning why and our son explaining to him about the need for all the stuff they needed to equip them for a few days away, I am reminded of the story in Luke 10 when Jesus appointed a team of seventy leaders to go out on a ministry tour. Jesus had the huge job of equipping the seventy with everything they needed for the tour. It was not just stuff but also wisdom to help them succeed on their mission. 

Our son and his wife had a checklist of necessary items, and then of the things they "wanted," provided everything could fit into the vehicle. As Jesus prepared the seventy, He too had a list of items which were more instructions to empower the team before He sent them out:

First, He chose each one, hand-picked them, and appointed them to the mission. Next, He gave them meaningful tasks to prepare cities for His arrival, instructions, and examples of things and situations they might/would encounter. Next, He told them why the mission was so important. They needed to know what the plan was to stay on point and not deviate from the mission.

Then He calmed their fears with a long preparation speech. He explained as they entered a city to remain in the same house eating and drinking what was put before them. Heal the sick and tell them, "The Kingdom of God has come near to you." However, if the city does not receive them well, wipe off the very dust of that city that clings to them, and leave. Next, He cautions them about possible hardships because nothing of value comes without sacrifice. Next, He issued specific instructions about certain scenarios they might encounter and provide examples of how to work through them. He imparted His convictions about their work and the importance of their work to the mission.

As they began to return, He rejoiced with them. Each returned with joy in their hearts and filled with the Holy Spirit. He then evaluated and debriefed them on their experience. They were excited and told wonderful stories of conquering demons and evil spirits in His name; because they had been equipped and gifted empowerment from Him, they were successful. Finally, He prayed with them and affirmed their gifts and their future. He prayed, "Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you… rejoice because your names are written in heaven."

Sometimes you need a lot of stuff to be prepared for anything that might come along. Stuff that we need is more important than the stuff we want. Jesus understood the stuff the seventy needed and provided it to them to be prepared for anything they might encounter on their mission.

Let us be encouraged today that He has provided us everything we need to be successful in sharing our faith, hope, joy, and unconditional love for others. As leaders in our homes, communities, and organizations, we must use all this "stuff" to go out among the people to make a difference and add value to others. Luke 10:1-24

James Dodwell