A Follower's Thoughts

I woke up this past Sunday, thinking about all the changes our country and the world are going through due to the Corona Virus outbreak. It has definitely changed the way we think about ourselves, the way we conduct ourselves, and the way we have had to adjust our routines in life.

Then I got to thinking, you know maybe, just maybe, God is trying to get our attention. God said to me, “Hey instead of looking at the bad side of this situation, why don’t you look at the good side. I’m slowing you down. You were living too much of a fast-paced life. Your to-do lists were getting too long, taking up too much of your time. You need to spend more time with me. Build a better relationship with my son, Jesus. Spend more time with your wife and children. Build a healthier relationship with them. I’m giving you the time now to do that.”

Then God told me. “I understand what you are going through. I understand what your country and the world is going through. I made my children to be social people. I know you want to get out and interact with others…to go and see and talk to family, and friends, to worship with your church family, spread the Gospel and show the love of my son to all who will hear. But, right now, I’m not allowing it. Why? Because you need to be still and know that I am your God and I am with you. Trust me, I’ve got this. You need to bond with me, read my words, and yes once again, build a relationship with my son. You see, there were times in my son’s life, that I had to pull him away from the crowds. He had to come to me for strength and renewal of his mind, body, and soul. Now my child, I am giving you this opportunity to do that very same thing that I gave my son. Time with me. I have a purpose for everything. Even though you may not see it now, you will someday. Out of the ashes, good will rise, just as I rose my son up to conquer death.”

So, I wrote these words down from God, to give us all encouragement in times of uncertainty. I searched scripture in Mathew 14:22-23. This was right after Jesus had fed the five thousand. It says, “Immediately he made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead to the other side, while he dismissed the crowds. And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he was alone.”

Everyone. Find your mountain, in these troubled times, to be alone with God. Hey, if Jesus did it, it must be good stuff! We will all get through this pandemic. Look at it this way, we may not be there with our family, friends, loved ones, or church family, but rest assured, God is with them and God is with us.

Besides, God has given us the technology through our smart phones and computers to communicate with family and friends, and most of all, to spread the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to others. Let us all be thankful of that! Let us all build a relationship with Christ Jesus in this time we have been given, so that when this pandemic is over, we can rise up and come down the mountain, renewed in body, mind, and soul, to go among the crowds again to bring the Gospel of Jesus to those who most desperately need it. God Bless!

Correll Pritchard