Memorial Day


This weekend has always been a special time for me. When I was a young boy, we would always go to some cemeteries in Winston, Cullman, and Walker counties for Decoration Day. I remember walking among the graves, reading the headstones, listening to stories, and imagining those departed saints as heroes and leaders. We added dirt to sunken areas of graves, accented them with river pebbles, and placed flowers in awe and respect for their lives. Then, we would all share “dinner on the ground” and sing a bunch of gospel songs before going home. This was always a special day and until this day, precious memories remain.

After a few years, I noticed a few rows of special headstones on the edge of the cemetery As I spent  time there, I learned they were casualties from the Civil War, both union and confederate soldiers. I asked my grandfather (“Pop”) about them. He explained Decoration Day was also known as Memorial Day and it was intended to honor all veterans who had died in service for our country. He said that no one really knew, exactly, how or where it started. There were several stories from over a dozen places from during the Civil War. When people had gone out on Decoration Day, they were inspired to place flowers on the graves of soldiers from both armies. Ever since, the practice had grown to honoring all soldiers who died while defending our freedoms and liberty as Americans. I am not sure my “Pop” knew  a few years earlier, our government had made the last Monday in May official as Memorial Day.

I would ask each of us to remember this weekend is rooted in recognition of those who gave their life defending the rights and liberties we enjoy today in a time of pronounced internal conflict as a nation and, since that time, hundreds of thousands of others have sacrificed their lives to protect our lives and our “rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

As we remember, may we resolve that it is our time to learn to sacrifice and face some inconveniences for the sake of others.

God’s Blessings & be safe, Mike.