A Follower's Thoughts on Prayer - Correll Pritchard

Philippians 4: 6-7 says, "Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Wow, I love those verses! Let's face it, we all worry from time to time and get anxious about matters in our lives. This fast-paced world we live in today can be a challenge. Juggling our jobs with decision-making with family time and whatever else our lives bring can be overwhelming. In my walk with Jesus, I have learned to prioritize my life in this order. "God First," then my lovely wife, then my children, then my job. In my opinion, the key is God First. Prayer is me turning that key to open the door to a one-on-one relationship with Christ. When I get stressed, I withdraw to a quiet place and pray. It may be in my office at work, it may be while I'm outside working around our campuses, or it may be going to my favorite spot on my personal property. The point is this, take the time to talk to God. To me, a one-on-one conversation with God is prayer. It's my favorite way to pray to God. I feel Jesus right there with me when I have these conversations. Guess what? My worries and anxieties fade away. Then I feel a peace that overcomes me. Just as the scripture says, a peace that surpasses all understanding. What is your favorite place to retreat to or your favorite way to pray? Wherever or whatever it is, please take the time, not only this Lenten Season, but every day to have that relationship with Christ. It all starts with a conversation.

God Bless,
