A Follower's Thought

My family and I went camping at Wind Creek this past Saturday a week ago. The weather that Saturday morning was wonderful! You could feel the cool air of the fall season, my favorite time of year. I got up early that morning, got me a cup of coffee and my Bible, and went down by the water to have my alone time with God.

I opened my Bible to James 4:13-15 and read. "Come now, you who say, today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a town and spend a year there, doing business and making money. Yet you do not even know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, 'If the Lord wishes, we will live and do this or that.'" As I sat there contemplating what I had just read and watching the sunrise, I noticed the mist rising off the waters of Lake Martin. I thought about how we are like that mist rising. Then I asked myself this question. What is my life? James 4:14 said that my life is a mist that appears then vanishes. At that very moment, I watched as the mist danced across the water, rise above the waters, and vanish. I thought to myself, that is what my spirit will do one day when my time on Earth is done. My spirit will rise up to meet my Savior, Jesus Christ!

You know, we go out into the world and make all kinds of plans for our future. Yet, God's Word says, we are not promised tomorrow. I'm not saying it's a bad idea to plan for our future, but I do believe we need to consult Christ on our plans and put God at the front of our plans. I pray for guidance for myself and my family's future, as we all should. I ask myself this question. God, is this really what you want me to do, or is this really what I want you to do? So, I" ve learned to say, God, your will be done, not mine. After all, I'm just a mist rising off a lake. Here for a little while, then vanishing. Whether it be today, tomorrow, or anytime in the future, none of us knows when our time on Earth is up. I pray we all will rise like the mist into the Heavenly Realms to be with our Jesus.

God Bless. To him be the Glory!

Correll Pritchard