Let's Talk

We have lost our minds!! That is what I thought when I was perusing through social media the other day. It was crazy! One party posted a picture that seemed to me an odd endeavor. The image was not a photo of a puppy, a flower, or anything soothing. Now I will not say exactly what it was, but there was no way it was not going to solicit a reaction…and then the reactions began to pour into the post…people taking sides, being ugly to each other, getting bitter, and the like…it was crazy!

I could not help but think how unproductive the posting had been. I thought to myself, what if those same folks were in a room together? What would that reality look like? And what if Jesus was in the room with them? How would that actual conversation work its way through? Would people be cussed, chairs thrown, weapons brought to bear? Honestly, I don't know, but one thing I have determined, any type of digital media is a poor substitute for in-person conversations.

Let me make a suggestion for this year. If you are exasperated with someone this year, take the time to sit and talk face to face. Please don't go all scorched earth on a digital medium without actually sitting down, in the real world, and attempting to work it through. If the issue is so important that it fires you up, go talk to the party in person. That is the uncomfortable, adult thing to do and the Biblical Way.

Matthew 18:15 "If your brother or sister sins, go and point it out just the two of you." Yep - that is What HE said. Nuff said.

Peace and Grace,

Brother Chip