A Follower's Thoughts - God's Creation

Job 12:7-10 says, "But ask the beasts, and they will teach you; the birds of the heavens, they will tell you; or the bushes of the Earth, and they will teach you, and the fish of the sea will declare to you. Who among all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? In his hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind." Have you ever looked into the night sky, looking at all the stars or the moon shining so bright that it illuminated the ground around you? Have you ever watched a sunrise or sunset as the light kissed the clouds and turned them into red, yellow, purple, and other colors that even the greatest artistic painters cannot create? My most intimate moments with God are when I'm outside, taking in the wonders of God.

I've had the privilege of traveling to other parts of the country and Canada to go on hunting and fishing excursions. I've sat in a boat on a lake, 100 miles from civilization, listening to a loon make its haunting call, echoing down the lake. I watched the northern lights dance across the sky. I lay in my sleeping bag and listened to wolves howl in the distance. I walked through an Aspen tree forest as the sun shone through the leaves, engulfed in yellow. And yes, I have had the privilege of trekking through knee-deep snow, snowing so hard I could barely see 10 ft in front of me. That right there was not a pleasant memory! Of all my favorite memories of being in God's Creation, my favorite would be trekking up a mountain on a beautiful clear morning, at around 11,000 ft elevation, trying to breathe in oxygen like you would not believe. Sounds like fun, doesn't it? Anyway, I found this huge rock ledge overlooking this vast range of mountains in Colorado. It was breathtaking! I took my Bible out of my pack, sat there on that ledge, and started reading God's Word. The closeness I had to God in those moments was overwhelming! There is an unspeakable peace and joy when you experience things as I have mentioned. Whether you realize it or not, we are all, in some way, connected to our Earth. This has been given to us as our temporary home to enjoy. Sometimes I think society, as a whole, has gotten away from the connection we need with God's Creation. We spend too much time on our phones and TVs and not enough time watching a sunrise or sunset, hiking a trail, fishing or hunting, walking outside looking at the spring flowers blooming, listening to the birds sing, getting our hands dirty planting flowers or a garden. All these outdoor experiences teach us that God is with us. God speaks to us through everything he has made. We need to take the time to look and listen. It's one of the best ways to find God. So, as we approach Holy Week, may we all take the time to experience God's Creation in some way. Never forget to thank God every day for breathing life into you, and most of all, thank his Son and our Savior Jesus Christ for dying on a cross so that we can have eternal life with our Creator.

God Bless!
