A Thought For Today

I took a step back the other day when my wife and I went to Walmart to buy groceries. There were so many people there! The parking lot was full. It looked like the Christmas Season, yet here it is March. Shelves, where toilet paper, bleach, sanitizers, and disinfectants are usually stocked, were empty, none, stripped bare! So many people at the checkout isles with buggies full of these products.

In the midst of this Coronavirus, around the world and now in the United States, people literally seemed to be in a panic! Now, I’m not saying we all should not do our part in helping to prevent the spread of this virus. We, as a church, as a body of Christ, should do everything possible to protect the well being of all our citizens in our communities. We, as a church, should do everything possible to protect children, the elderly, and those who are the most vulnerable to this virus. But, to let fear override rational thinking. It's exactly what Satan wants! When we panic, we play right into the hands of the Devil! You see, fear is a liar!

What should we do in times of trials and tribulations? We should run into the hands and arms of our Savior, Jesus Christ! It is there and only there that we have no fear. No fear of sicknesses, no fear of diseases, and yes, no fear of death! Jesus conquered all these things for us at the Cross!

2 Corinthians 5:1 says, "for we know if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands." So, as children of God, let us all go out and do our part to help keep this virus from spreading but, let us not fear anything. Knowing that all our problems, our sins, our fears, and anxieties have been cured. Cured by our Savior, Jesus Christ, who endured the Cross, was crucified, dead, and buried. On the third day, he rose from the dead and is now preparing a place for us in the heavenly realms.

God Bless.

Correll Pritchard