Lent - Let’s Be Quiet

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.”

John 10:27

Before the automation of refrigeration, families kept food cold in icehouses. These structures had no windows, often partially underground, with tight-fitting doors, where ice could be stored for months. As such, big blocks of ice were collected in the winter months and covered in sawdust so the ice would last through the summer.

There’s an old story of a father working in his family’s icehouse to prepare it for summer. After bringing in blocks of ice and distributing sawdust, he realized his prized watch had fallen off somewhere in the icehouse. He searched and searched but ultimately gave up looking. Knowing how much this watch meant to her father, his young daughter decided to sneak into the icehouse to look for the watch herself. After just a short time, she emerged from the icehouse with the watch and presented it to her grateful and astonished father. Of course, he wanted to know where it had been found and how she had managed to find it. She said, “I went into the icehouse, closed the door, lay down in the sawdust, and was very still - and I listened. Very quickly, I could hear the watch ticking.”

Lent begins this week with Ash Wednesday. Christians acknowledge and celebrate forty days of reflection, prayer, fasting, and serving others. We do this in preparation for the beautiful season of Easter. An integral part of Lent is a call for quiet, stillness, and reflective time with the Lord. Calling ourselves to be still and quiet in this noisy world is a challenge. Lent is a time to cease searching for the external gratifications this world offers, like material success and fulfillment. May we be able to settle in to be quiet and listen for God’s voice, even in a whisper, to direct our lives and hearts.

The noise of our lives comes at us from every direction. We have noisy television, radios, social media, email…all the media sources. But the noise also comes from all the “things” that require attention from us each day - family, friends, co-workers. We know our God is in all these things, but Lent is a time to take a step back and re-order.

Lent calls us to a quiet place to order the priorities in our lives. Perhaps it’s an extra minute or two of prayer before going in to work. Maybe you find time to experience the natural sounds of a quiet walk in the woods. You see, we need to close the door, lay it all down, and be quiet to hear the soft voice of God, ticking…waiting for us to find Him. He’s calling us to return, calling us to faithfulness, calling us back home to Him. There is no greater treasure.

I hope to embrace this Lenten season as a time to seek God’s voice in my life and turn off worldly noise that makes no eternal difference in my life.


A Message from our Bishop, Debra Wallace-Padgett

Dear Friends,

Lee’s and my young adult daughter, Leanndra, recently celebrated another birthday. On one hand, it feels like she arrived in this world a lifetime ago. On the other hand, it seems like only yesterday when I first held our newborn baby girl. Time has that kind of illusive, mysterious quality.

So it is with the rhythm of the Christian year. We were celebrating the birth of Jesus a mere eight weeks ago. Yet, already Lent has arrived, the season focusing on Jesus’ public ministry, culminating with his death on the cross.

Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, this year on February 17, when we reflect on our sinfulness and mortality. This explains the tenor of the Scripture passages listed in the Revised Common Lectionary for Ash Wednesday.

Joel 2 speaks of fasting, weeping and mourning. Isaiah 59 challenges the people of God to fast for justice and compassion. Psalm 51 is traditionally understood as a prayer of confession by King David after his adulterous affair with Bathsheba. The passage from II Corinthians speaks of God’s grace and reconciliation made possible through Christ’s death on the cross. Matthew 6 instructs us to avoid drawing attention to ourselves when we give alms and pray. Collectively these passages prepare our hearts and minds for key Ash Wednesday and Lenten practices, including fasting, introspection, confession, service, worship and giving.

Like many of you I have participated in traditional Ash Wednesday services where following songs, prayers and a message fitting for the occasion, worship participants came to designated stations in the sanctuary for the imposition of ashes on their foreheads. Those imposing the ashes would use liturgy like, “Turn away from sin and be faithful to the gospel” or “Remember, you are dust and to dust you will return.”

Due to COVID-19, many Ash Wednesday services will have a different feel from previous years. Some will be virtual, others outdoors and still others held in large spaces with worshippers social distancing and wearing masks.

I encourage you to join me in setting aside some time on February 17 to mark Ash Wednesday through a worship service or in another way. After all, Ash Wednesday and Lenten observances are important aspects to the rhythm of Christian living.

As always it is a privilege to serve as your bishop.

Debra Wallace-Padgett
Resident Bishop
North Alabama Conference