Lent, 2022

Lent is the forty-day period, not counting Sundays, between Ash Wednesday and Easter. The standard text associated with Lent is Matthew 4: 1 - 11. In the text, Jesus is led into the wilderness alone for 40 days and then tempted by the Devil at His weakest moment. This is the season of loneliness and sacrifice Jesus goes through right before He is baptized and enters ministry. During this time, there is searching, tempting, persevering, and coming out the other side into what God has planned. Notice the order of events?

That is why Lent is so important. So often, we find ourselves wanting all the good God has for us without the soul-shaping moments of the desert. We want Easter Morning without Good Friday. The last thing we want to do is spend time in the desert. But here is something worth remembering, some of God’s best work is done in the desert. That is why Lent is so meaningful; it is our time in the desert. 

During Lent, we take time to wait, although we are tempted to rush forward. We set aside time to contemplate our humanity amidst our business. We reflect on our broken and sinful nature. We see our deficiencies; we confess our sins; we fast, pray, and let God work on our souls.

As our time in the desert passes, God does His timely work, and we come to understand we are nothing without Him. We are dust, and without His breath, we would still only be dust. So as we journey through Lent, moving toward Good Friday, be sure to give God time to work each day. We should never forget we are the reason for what is to come. We are but a hopeless people, stuck in the desert of our sin, and we definitely need a savior! 

Brother Chip