Adoration & Worship - Correll Pritchard

A Followers Thought

Adoration and Worship

Adoration is the showing of respect and devotion to God. Worship is the showing of Adoration to God in many ways, such as going to church to worship him, praying daily, giving God thanks for all your blessings, putting others first before your needs, giving your time and money to further God's Kingdom. Those are just a few things that symbolize our Adoration to God. I want my brothers and sisters in Christ to think about this. Adoration and Worship can only come when you have Jesus in your heart and soul. You might say, where is this statement going?

Well, let me give you guys a little background of my life growing up. I didn't grow up in a Christian home. I didn't go to church; I didn't pray daily; I didn't put others first; nor did I do any other thing to show Adoration and Worship for God. Yet, I always believed there was a God. You might ask, how could that be? It could be because I did grow up in a loving home. My parents loved my brother and me very much. They taught us right from wrong, a good work ethic, respect our elders. Could it be that I grew up loving the outdoors, God's Creations? My dad would carry my brother and me hunting and fishing often. The best part about those excursions was being out there in the woods, the lake, or the rivers and creeks we explored, seeing and experiencing God's Creations! Oh yea, one more thing. My mom would prepare the fish and wild game we harvested. That was some great eating! I guess experiencing these events in my life made me realize that there is more to this creation than the Big Bang Theory. I just knew there was a higher power at work here. It was God!

Thinking back on these events in my life, it wasn't until I accepted Jesus as my Lord and savior that Adoration and Worship became the focus of my life. I started looking at God as not only the creator of all things but as the creator of me. And in doing so, I must do everything that I can to follow the example of his son Jesus. In John 14;6, Jesus said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." I believe if we want to fully experience Adoration and Worship to the Father, we have to surrender to the son. It is through Jesus that our Adoration and Worship of God can be complete. God Bless.
