A Follower's Thoughts - Making Memories

We all love to make memories with our children. I have so many fond memories of my children when they were little. The trips to the beach were some of my fondest. Wendy and I would spend time with them on the beach making sandcastles, putting them on a float for the first time, and letting the waves carry them to shore; all the time, they were crying and screaming, hold me, hold me. I guess the ocean can be a little intimidating when you are a child. I also remember lying on the beach and letting my kids cover me in the sand until all you could see was my head. Oh, and another time my daughter climbed on a bar stool in the condo and fell off, breaking her wrist. Now, that was a memory, not so great when you spend one of your vacation days in the ER!

Some of my favorite memories are the times at church with our children: Wednesday night suppers in the Fellowship Hall, helping teach them in Sunday School, carrying them to Bible School, making Advent wreaths, watching them in Christmas plays, coaching them in Micro-Soccer, and yes, trying to keep my daughter from rolling around on the floor at the Arbor Service on Sunday mornings. You know, there is a saying, "it takes a village to raise a child." I wish to thank each one in my church village that helped build a foundation under my family, a foundation centered around Jesus.

As Christmas approaches, let us all continue to make memories with family, friends, and church family. Let us not forget what this season is about, Jesus. Isaiah 9:6 says, "For a child has been born, a son given to us, authority rest upon his shoulders: and he is named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." May Jesus be included in our memories this Christmas, as well as every day moving forward. God Bless and Merry Christmas!

Correll Pritchard