Humility: A Truly Spiritual Challenge

I remember over thirty-five years ago meeting with Claude Whitehead as a spiritual mentor, listening to his teaching, praying, and seeking a deeper relationship with Jesus. We each had goals and we would share how well, or not, we were progressing toward our goals. As we met one Monday afternoon, Claude began to share how devastated he was with the result of his effort to “become humble.” Trying to be pastoral, I implored into the disappointment of his failure. Claude was quick to respond, “It’s worse than that. This morning, I found myself feeling proud of my humility and, I had a vision. I was climbing a ladder toward humility and I could see the top. As I reached, I said, ‘Got it.’ Then, I fell back down the ladder hitting my chin on every step of the ladder. When I looked up, at the bottom, I saw the name of the first step was “humility.”

True humility has forever been a spiritual challenge for us humans and true humility can only come through authentic surrender to the Lordship of Jesus. It is a challenge for each of us and especially to us as Americans. We are a blessed people, free and independent, with rights, privileges, and blessings second to no other people on the face of the earth. However, with that, comes tremendous liability and responsibility.

How do we become humble enough to yield our freedom to the Sovereign control of God? How do we become humble enough to serve Jesus as Lord? How do we become humble enough to surrender our lives to the Authority of all authorities? It’s a truly spiritual challenge.

Beware this challenge! It must be an authentic search and it’s a goal that can never be claimed. Oswald Chambers called conscious humility, “The most satanic type of human pride.” Think and pray before you begin this journey, you just might get your chin bruised.

