Return to Worship

In my studies and devotional life, again and again, I return to the Psalms. These are wonderful real testimonies of the people of God at worship and prayer. They capture the depth of their longings as they learn to trust and live in a land with Yahweh. The last five Psalms are called “the great Hallel.” They all begin and end with “Praise Yah.” No matter what our circumstances, we find they are small compared to the greatness of God. I find this to be a great comfort, which leads me to the topic of FUMC returning to public worship.

Mike and I gave our best effort to provide our leaders with a "return to public worship" protocol. These protocols are a plan to lovingly and safely return to public gatherings of worship. Guided by our Bishop and medical professionals, we offered guidelines to our trustees for approval. Respectfully, the trustees voted to re-open Jacob’s Ladder on June 1 in order to serve a critical need in our community. In addition, they voted FUMC may return to public worship on June 14. We will follow these protocols for six weeks with possible extensions. Please note there are varying, valid opinions about our safe return, but we all agree how vital our worship life and communion are to our well being. Please grant us the courtesy of honoring these protocols for everyone’s sake.

The hallmarks of the protocols are these: 1. To practice social distancing upon arriving, being seated, and departing. 2. Wearing masks. 3. Temperature gatherings. 4. Gloves or hand sanitizing. 5. Limiting bathroom use. 6. Updated cleaning practices by our staff.

The June 14 date allows us several advantages. We will better know how the “spread of the virus” is tracking, gain insight in regard to other churches who have returned at earlier dates, and be provided the time to assess the broken AC unit at the Arbor. Lastly, it also allows our staff to acquire the needed supplies to support our return. Be aware this start date is contingent on the Bishop and Cabinet not extending the June 1 “not before date.”

I offer a special thanks to Neal Watts and our trustees, who have faithfully guided us through massive events. The protocols will be communicated to everyone shortly; please allow some time to read and learn them. We have a great team of leaders, and it has been a long nine weeks for everyone.
