The Cross and Corona Virus

From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, the chief priests, and the teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life.” Matthew 16:21

Loved ones, I can say with great certainty that I have never merged the two words “Cross” and “Corona” until today. I will avoid the obvious thought that Corona is another word for “crown.” I have used cross and crown in a sentence.

Today, I want you to do what Christians have been asked to do for two Millennia, reflect on the meaning of that Roman cross. It hangs around our neck. It adorns our altars of worship. It sits on our mantles. Why? It is the single most recognizable sign of a covenant sacrifice between God and human beings. I affirm today that no “virus” could ever change that reality. The cross changes our very existence FOREVER.  

So, during Holy Week, notice that protestants cherish an empty cross and not a crucifix. The reason is to emphasize the cross as a completed event. It leads to resurrection, but don’t pass over it too quickly.  

The cross is the will of the heavenly Father for Jesus. Matthew declares Jesus was to become a sin offering for all people. A divine sacrificial covenant redeeming the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve. A concept that takes us way back to a time in Abraham’s life when God puts him in a dream to swear a redemptive covenant with Him (Gen 15: 12-21). A covenant ratified with God himself in the form of a smoking pot and a flaming torch passes between a sacrifice prepared by the man, Abraham. An unprecedented picture of God walking between an animal sacrifice to say, I swear by Myself to keep the promise that I make to you. It is an incredibly gracious condescension. Why? He loves His creation so much that He is efforting to be with us through Abraham. Well, a greater one than Abraham or David or any servant is present in Jesus. He is unlike anyone. A perfectly obedient, unique Son who accomplishes God’s will in establishing His Kingdom on earth. God is finally incredibly “with us.” This redemptive effort brings Jesus to us as Son and King. His work is teaching the true God honoring life and a cross. He is king of a different kind; a servant King who loves and gathers His children into God’s presence (or salvation) by dying for them on a cross and then overwhelming the greatest efforts of an evil, terrible death. He will conquer evil’s best and final weapon, but before He does, He redemptively suffers for you and me. Think on these things redeemed children of God.

Brother Barry Dunn