The Problem with Evil: Further Thoughts on Romans 8 in the Days of Corona

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[i] have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8: 28

What is our take-away from Romans 8? What does living in the tension between a fallen creation and a new creation look like for us?  It looks likewise and resilient faith, hope and love.  Here are some hints: 1. We’d best be honest about the dangers and not test God by living recklessly, but wisely, confidently and faithfully serving. Paul was well acquainted with pain and suffering, but Christ gave Him perspective based on a promised future. Remember, he left his mission team in Berea (Acts 17) because of danger. Live wisely.  2. Trials and hurts often unlock our hearts and minds to hearing the word of God. So, be honest with pain but embrace your Bible and your prayer life when you hurt. Pain and suffering can drive us from God or draw us to Him. 3. Trials can temper you. So soberly ask yourself, what needs to change in me? 4. Trials engender in us opportunities to show grace and mercy to others, just as Jesus does with us. Live grace-filled lives, enriching others and glorifying God.  This is how we wait and pray for deliverance from the Corona Virus and all the corruptions of this world.

 In response:  I am asking all our members to call 3 shut-ins, 3 family members and 3 friends each day to check on them.

Brother Barry Dunn