The Problem with Evil: Faith in days of Corona Virus

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8: 38-39

Loved ones, today, as I sit in my office, I have been in more conference calls and group messages than I ever imagined. People have asked questions like: Is God in control? Is God good? The Bible answers, yes. Then, why is evil in the world, like viruses? I am reflecting deeply on Romans 8. The answers to these questions fill many books, but here is my thinking contained in several short articles. 

 The Christian answer requires a healthy appreciation for living in tension: The Kingdom is “now,” with the Holy Spirit, but the Kingdom is also “not yet.” Life is not what it should be.  In Romans 8, Paul grasps this paradox, in spades. Western culture has come to believe that true goodness looks like power, health, and wealth on this earth. Christians have long known this is wrong. Wealthy and powerful people suffer and die. God’s goodness does not insulate us from the sin ravaged creation. We still often live with desperate, vexed, and sin-filled hearts. Our peace is found in fellowship with God; in a life with Him in a new, re-made heaven and earth, that is not unlike the Garden of Eden. Until we fully enter that time, we will live with Him; but in a world of death and decay. This truth will not get you fanfare in our culture, but it is our “real.” 

In Response: I am asking all our members to call 3 shut-ins, 3 family members and 3 friends each day to check on them.

Brother Barry