Living In A State of Gratefulness

What does it mean to live your life in a state of gratefulness? Do we hear the word “gratefulness” and immediately consider and remember the positive, good, rewarding things in our lives both now and from our past? Rarely do we consider hardships, struggles, and pain as something to be grateful for. Without fully realizing and honoring the past in all its glory and heartache, how do we fully live today and tomorrow in a true sense of gratefulness - of true spiritual gratefulness?

True spiritual gratefulness is to embrace and honor it ALL - the good, the bad, the ugly, the joy and sorrows in our lives, the mountaintop moments and the valleys of darkness. Unless we learn to do this, to recognize the entire journey, we fail to acknowledge God’s loving presence all along the way. All of life’s experiences happen in His presence and it’s only with His guidance we move fully into tomorrow.

In honoring and acknowledging and remembering the past with a heart of gratefulness, we can freely move forward to share God’s Kingdom with others. Don’t be bound by the restraints of less than the full story - count it all.

“Rejoice always. Pray continually. Give thanks in every situation because this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:28

Tammy Wendling