Prayers and Encouragement for the New Year

Well, it’s about time to lay 2019 away and begin our journey into 2020. As I look back, there were abundant blessings, significant challenges, dire concerns, and ample opportunities to respond as a faithful disciple and love others as God loves me. Looking forward, my experience has taught me that 2020 will be filled with much of the same and, the chances are pretty good that we will not resolve all the world’s problems in the in the next year and even beyond.

The Apostle Paul had a pretty good understanding of this when he penned the words, “One thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me in Christ Jesus, my Lord.” This will forever be our resolution for the future as Christians.

So, my prayers and encouragement for the new year: 1. Cut yourself some slack. 2. Follow the lead of Jesus. 3. Get into a trusted small group. 3. Study “The Book.” 4. Have some fun. AND, become who you were created to be….. Happy New Year!!!!! 

Brother Mike